Friday, September 17, 2010


We are eating lunch at a pastry shop. They are so good; this is our second trip to the shop. It has real story as well.
We went to a bull fight! They had four matadors 2 gals and 2 men on horses. I was amazed at the horses. The do not kill the Bulls.

First Sunday there had dinner at this fine Sister home. A lovely meal and she tried to over feed us as well. Notice the homes tall apartment buildings not may had a balcony a she had. She also loved flowers. A lot of the apartments had laundry hanging out the windows.

Ken and Paul in the Atlantic Ocean on the southern part of Portugal. Paul spitting salt after a big wave.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

We went to Kalispell and visited Michelle and Val's family. Karson was playing with his younger cousins and it was wild. Furniture was moved around and various types of guns including water thanks to Keston.

A close-up. Karson wearing an extra small helmet.

While we were there we attended a scout cake auction for a fundraiser. This cake was the hemsley donation. It is a hiking boot and sold for just uner $50.00 A previous year their train a cake sold for $400.00.

This year the CTR cake sold for $200.00.
We also attended the Summit Gym where some older folks swam in a warm pool with Karson and the boys went to the gym. It was afun time.

February 15 we were in Phenox and toured old Scottsdale with Sherylee and Monte.
The weather was 75 to 80 so just perfect for us.

Kayden has beem taking potery in school and this is a display of some of his work. He will starting to use the wheel soon.

Shelley and Jade came over for a -BQ the evening before we left.

In Sherylee's back yard. It was to cold 80 degrees to use the pool as it has no heater. In Arizona they don't need heaters in the pool.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

I got a phone call and can not figure how to edit the eye surgery so here we go with option 2

The left eye is the second one so now I can see distances without glasses but still need reading glasses. I can't go to and get my eyes tested for six weeks so I went to Wal Mart and bought a pair of reading glasses.

I can read well with them have difficulty going back and forth.

I also bought a pair of sunglasses that really help outside. When Karson saw them he suggested that go back to the store ans try again.

I'll be interested to see what they say in six weeks.

Guess What?

Yes we got a new call; "CUB Leaders"

We enjoy working together.

Kub Kar carnival 12t Saturday in March

At ist Aid we will teach the cubs how to get the leaders up off the floor.

Got left eye cataract surgery done.

Friday, January 22, 2010

January 17 Kendall was ordained an elder by his father.

Kendall and Ken.

The family.

The great grandparents.

I found my paper that I made notes on about posting the blog. So i am playing catch up.
Opening the cousin gifts on Christmas eve.

The Christmas pageant on Christmas eve 2009.

The supervisors!

Mark and Paul as Shepherd's on Christmas eve. Mark looks a little happy about being a Shepherd.

We spent a few days with Val and Michelle just prior to Christmas. There was a ginger bread house decoration event.

The kids worked hard and cleaned up there rooms to ready for Christmas.

Granny's Christmas tree with presents displayed. We were spoiled with quality presents. Thank you everyone.

Paul is working on the Pinata (not sure of spelling) . The surprise this year was the snuggle blankets instead of PJ's.